Saturday, April 14, 2012

I can't care less about how annoying it is to know the fact that I haven't posted anything in my sacred blog for almost three months now! Besides my busy school days, I decided not to post anything I have cooked for the last few months because of my poor presentation *hehehe* AND I didn't find it legitimate to post only recipes. So yeah.

Well I guess I have reached the emergency point to write another silly post. And I want to share something with you readers. Nope, not food. But something related to food. Guess what? I am planning to make a mini restaurant in my room!

Haha it sounds stupid I know.. But when this project finishes, I swear it will be a winner. I have a huge space in my room, and I just hate seeing it worthless and lifeless. So I decided to make a super tiny restaurant, just for about 6 persons or so. For now, I am only inviting my close friends over because I need victims to taste my experiments (don't tell them!)

The plan is, to make a restaurant with fusion dishes. And I have decided to name my little baby Locavore. Locavore basically means people who likes eating local food. My food is just simple Western - Indonesian mix, combined with harmony :)

I'll share the picture of my old room and my restaurant-y room in my next post.